A Musical Eye

    I take photographs to identify with hidden qualities of my character, to better understand my reality, and to express my interpretation of the world around me. I explore themes, ideas, and life in abstract forms. My goal is to use my camera to explore unspoken or taboo themes and make them known to the world around me. This is a place of curious self-expression, but also a world of new relationships, new chances, new beginnings and most importantly new stories.

    My choice of subject comes from a place of intuition and is fueled by an impetuous desire to partake in the stories that unfold around me. I seek the unknown and I look for the light within the shadows, the stories that are not at first obvious, and the uncommon in the common. I photograph musicians and artists, in particular because I am curious of what lies behind their mind’s eye, where they have been and where they will go. My choice of subject comes from my large inspiration of music and in particular the subject’s music and creativity they project and I continue to use this inspiration in underling tones of my photographs. My photographs tell a story and often I find that my subject’s stories blossom into my concepts that are later translated into the final images. A lot of my recent photographs are comprised of conceptual portraits of musicians. The Focus is on the musician but I use my background in fashion to keep the subjects styled appropriately.

    Inspiration from photographers such as Helmut Newton, Anton Corbijn and Ellen Von Unwerth has left a strong personal impression, which translates through my work. Their use of light and dark and undertones of sexuality is something I translate into conceptual portraits of my own. The majority of my work has darker undertones, but slowly without intention color has appeared in my work, concealing the black and white imagery of my past. This color conjures images of what reminds me of comfort. Gone with the black and white is my concern with documenting a story; rather I find myself interested in the results of immersing myself in the story and recording my actions and reactions to this theme. 



-Corinne Schiavone 

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4 Responses to A Musical Eye

  1. gorod378 says:

    I think its really interesting how you find the light within the shadows, it’s like your telling an untold story.

  2. prunsolee says:

    I have always admired photographers, how they can capture details that aren’t seen by the many. I can sense that your portrait projects are somewhat dark and bold but personal and intimate. Are you planning to expand the project into something more personal, like self-portrait?
    It will be interesting to see how you develop the idea of integrating fashion and photography into your story.

  3. arorn959 says:

    As cheesy as it sounds I’ve always wanted to see a series of photographs depicting poetry and have a slight obsession with the idea of storytelling, your work sounds like it would be something that I would really enjoy seeing.

  4. sirortega says:

    This was a fascinating read and I like the concept of subtleties being the vehicle driving your work. I also like to work with visually capturing musicians because media has placed them on a pedestal like modern day kings and queens. I like that in your photos you aspire to capture something beyond that facade and something more which is the real them. They are artist and people just like us and live and think no differently. But the special thing that many musicians and arts have on their face or embodiment that can be captured is an expression of passion, determination, and ambition for their work in their mannerism.

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